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Laboratory ⚗️


A feature flags management library for multi-module Kotlin Android projects. Laboratory offers:

  • Encapsulation: Different feature flags can freely live in separate Gradle modules without being exposed outside.
  • Type safety: Feature flags are represented with concrete types instead of booleans or grouped enums.
  • A/B/n testing: Feature flags don’t have to be constrained to provide only a binary choice. They can have as many states as you’d like.
  • Multiple sources: Feature flags can have different sources used for their current options. For example, you can have a feature flag that takes its option either from a local source or from any number of remote sources like, for instance, Firebase or Azure.
  • QA integration: Laboratory offers great QA capabilities and easy integration with popular tools. It comes with an out-of-the-box Hyperion plugin.
  • Persistence ignorance: Laboratory does not care how you want to store your feature flags. It provides implementations for most common scenarios, but you can always use an implementation for your custom storage mechanism.
  • Testing support: The in-memory implementation can be used as a drop-in substitute for Laboratory instances in tests.
  • Coroutines support: Changes to feature flags can be observed via Flow. Options reads and writes are made with suspend functions, but you can always opt-in to a blocking equivalent of I/O functions.


First, you need to define your feature flags.

enum class AuthType : Feature<AuthType> {

  public override val defaultOption get() = Fingerprint

Once you have your feature flags defined, you can start using them in the application.

suspend fun main() {
  // A high-level API for interaction with feature flags
  val laboratory = Laboratory.inMemory()

  // Set AuthType option to Fingerprint
  val success = laboratory.setOption(AuthType.Fingerprint)

  // Check what is the current option of AuthType
  val currentAuthType = laboratory.experiment<AuthType>()

  // Check if the current option of AuthType is equal to Face
  val isFaceAuth = laboratory.experimentIs(AuthType.Face)

  // Observe changes to the AuthType feature flag
      .onEach { option -> println("AuthType: $option") }


Laboratory requires Java 8 bytecode support. You can enable it with the following configuration in a build.gradle file.

android {
  compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17

  kotlinOptions {
    jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_17.toString()

Also, you have to enable default methods generation by Kotlin compiler. You can do this by adding a compiler flag in a build.gradle file.

android {
  kotlinOptions {
    freeCompilerArgs += [


Laboratory ships with R8 rules and doesn’t require any extra configuration.

Get Laboratory

Laboratory is published to Maven Central Repository.

repositories {

dependencies {
  implementation "io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory:1.1.0"

Snapshots of the development version are available on Sonatype’s snapshots repository.

Here is the list of all available artifacts that Laboratory library provides.

  • io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory:1.1.0: Core of the library. Defines classes and interfaces that you can interact with from your application code. It also provides R8 rules.
  • io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory-shared-preferences:1.1.0: Provides implementation of FeatureStorage based on SharedPreferences.
  • io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory-data-store:1.1.0: Provides implementation of FeatureStorage based on Jetpack DataStore.
  • io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory-inspector:1.1.0: QA module that allows users to preview all features and change them at runtime from one place.
  • io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory-hyperion-plugin:1.1.0: QA module that integrates laboratory-inspector with Hyperion.
  • io.mehow.laboratory:laboratory-gradle-plugin:1.1.0: Gradle plugin for feature flags generation and other quality of life improvements. It is highly recommended to use it instead of manual class management.


Copyright 2020 Michał Sikora

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.